Alice Rotini
I graduated in Ecology and Evolution with honors, at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and I obtained the PhD in Applied Biology (XXIII Cycle) at the University of Naples "Federico II". I was involved in teaching and research activities of the lab of Ecotoxicology and Microbiology at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", since 2007. As the ecologist profession often imposes, I have undertaken stimulating partnerships with international Universities and research centres, which contributed significantly to my professional and personal growth. Among the most significant an Erasmus Mundus grant for the Queensland University (Brisbane, Australia), and some COST and Assemble EU grants for the CCMAR/University of the Algarve (Faro, Portugal), the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science (IUI; Eilat, Israel) and Cyprus University of Technology (Limassol, Cyprus).
Currently I am a researcher at the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), in the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Protection and Biodiversity Conservation. Here I carry out institutional activities regarding the implementation of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) and the ECAP (Ecosystem Approach) Process of the Barcelona Convention and supporting the national technical committee for EIA-VAS by contributing with technical-scientific assessments
The research activity I conduct concerns: (i) development of integrated ecological, physiological and molecular approaches for monitoring marine ecosystems, with a focus on seagrass beds (including Posidonia oceanica); (ii) assessment of ecotoxicological effects in organisms exposed to environmental contamination; (iii) monitoring of biotic and abiotic matrices and conservation and restoration activities in marine-coastal habitats (including Posidonia banquette); (iv) environmental microbiology approaches (including antibiotic resistance analysis and microbiome studies by Next Generation Sequencing techniques); (v) management and analysis of biological and environmental data.
I am a positive person, 'in love with life'. I take advantage of every moment to explore and learn about the world with every possible means: books, theatre, music, sports and above all traveling! The most intense and meaningful journey is certainly the one that began with the birth of my two children Morgan (2018) and Astrid (2021), which constantly gives me new perspectives and challenges and fills my life with pure and unconditional love.